Kris a.k.a. Miss Kris Bliss
This girl's got style, so listen up dudes. She can shrink in size to suit her mood.
My Story
Kris is a wife and mom from South Jersey. She has enjoyed being married to Jimmy and has been putting up with his shenanigans since 2010. She lives with him and their brood of 4 in Hatboro, Pennsylvania.
Kris likes to be referred to as a "lady gamer" because she is not a girl, not yet a woman. Also, she doesn't feel much like an actual gamer because she is pretty bad at all games of all types. However, she respects games as a type of art and has enjoyed many games for their story, athstetics and catharsism. She shares a dream with her husband of playing a role in removing the taboo of being adult gamers and representing them in the industry. She feels that gaming could have a place in everyone's life to bring people together and give them something over which they can connect. She is also honored to support her husband's passions and you will often see her around, especially at tournaments as the in house loud mouth letting you know when you're up. Other than that, she's a creative kind of lady who loves to write and sing music, cook, and spend time with her little monkeys (and her big monkey of course).
Favorite game series: Lomax
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.